Shut Up And Choose Podcast Episode 11 – Questions About My Journey That Were Generated by AI – Very Cool Stuff! Jonathan Ressler, June 19, 2024June 19, 2024 Can you truly transform your life by making small, smart choices? Join me, Jonathan Ressler, on “Shut Up and Choose” as I reveal how I lost over 135 pounds without extreme diets or grueling exercise routines. Inspired by my friend Pete and the power of AI, I created a ChatGPT chatbot that speaks in my tone, offering personalized insights from my book. Together, we’ll explore AI-generated interview questions that bring a fresh, high-tech perspective to my weight loss journey. Discover why personal responsibility and sustainable choices are the real keys to lasting change. I share the story behind “Shut Up and Choose” and why traditional diets often fail us. Learn how mindfulness played a crucial role in my transformation, by helping me be present and make conscious choices about food. Understand the difference between true hunger and emotional eating, and why cultivating healthier habits is more effective than chasing quick fixes. As we wrap up, I challenge the idea of “cheat meals” and advocate for a balanced approach to eating that promotes a healthier mindset. Hear about the importance of progress over perfection and how small, consistent steps lead to significant results. From practical tips like enjoying Greek yogurt with fruit to celebrating small victories, this episode is packed with real-life strategies for achieving sustainable, healthy changes. Tune in for a candid, no-nonsense discussion about how to truly transform your life. Transcript Below Hey everybody, welcome back to Shut Up and Choose. I’m Jonathan Ressler, your host, and today I have a pretty cool topic. So here’s the deal. Right, I’ve been messing around with AI due to a friend of mine, Pete, thank you for getting me more involved and really looking at AI less, as I was definitely one of the people who believe that you know the AI is going to take over the world. It’s going to be the fucking terminator world. We’re all hiding underneath shit as the robots come to get us, but I kind of learned that maybe that isn’t necessarily true. Pete, , thank you for opening my eyes. So I’m messing around with AI, right, and I started to think, okay, let me see what AI knows. So I built a chatbot in ChatGPT, which is simple to do. I’m an idiot and I was able to do it and I uploaded my book and I put in some information about myself and then I said everything that I say from here, or everything that I ask, rather, from here on, you know, using my tone, or give it back to me in my tone and based on my book and whatever. So I said you know, one of the commands I gave it was why should I listen to Jonathan Ressler and it gave me this thing that I really kind of groove on. So I’m going to actually read it to you, because I think it’s so fucking cool that this came out of an AI. Okay, so Jonathan Ressler’s incredible journey to losing over 130 pounds in a year is a testament to the power of determination and small choices. Without resorting to fad diet shots, pills, surgery or even setting foot in a gym. Jonathan cracked a code on sustainable weight loss. He achieved this amazing transformation while enjoying the foods he loved. His secret it all came down to making small, smart choices every day. Let Jonathan’s story inspire you to believe that you can too, and that you can achieve your goals with the right mindset and a commitment to positive, lasting changes. I was like, damn, that’s pretty fucking cool, right, I kind of like that, I’m not gonna lie. So then I started thinking I’m like, well, okay, if it can do that, let me start asking it some questions. And one of the things I said is what questions would you ask Jonathan Ressler in an interview? And it gave me a list of 12 questions that are pretty fucking cool. So I’m gonna answer those 12 questions here. It’s like I’m interviewing with a robot, but I’m really. I guess I’m I’m interviewing, I’m interviewing with you guys, I’m telling you kind of what I think and how I would answer these questions. So I’m, I’m pretty excited about this. This is a what I would high-tech a episode. It’s really fucking cool. So here we go. So the first question is what inspired you to write Shut Up and Choose? Well, obviously you guys know that I went on this incredible journey of losing over 130 pounds. That’s over 135 pounds, but anyway, I mean, I was at that weight. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t walk, I couldn’t do anything and I couldn’t bear the thought of doing another diet, even the ones that I love, like paleo and all that. You know, I love juicing, I love paleo, I love Atkins, I love them all. But the thought of actually doing that again and depriving myself of all those things just kind of I don’t know. I just couldn’t do it, you know.ors. So I wanted to write a book that obviously chronicled my journey, but cut through the bullshit and kind of tell it like it is, because at the end of the day, you know it’s, it’s all about what you do. People need this kind of real and practical advice, not some empty fucking promise, some bullshit meal plan that you know everybody’s different. So for me, shut up and choose is all about taking personal responsibility and making those small, smart choices that actually work. I mean, come on, I started at 411 pounds and lost over 135 pounds without any of those gimmicky bullshit diets, without the gym, without anything. And again I want to say I’m not saying exercise doesn’t help, but if you’re at the place where you can exercise, you can do this thing. I mean, look, if I can do it, honestly, I think anybody can, okay.Jonathan : 5:05 So the second question is what’s the biggest mistake that people make when trying to lose weight? Well, you know what? I think it’s. Basically everybody goes for the quick fixes and the fad diets. I did it for 59 years, so you know I came to the realization that if losing weight was as easy as popping a pill or drinking some magic shake or eating some pre-formatted food, we’d all be fucking models. And I have people that are close to me that are taking the magic drugs and they get annoyed when I say that the magic drugs don’t work. So I want to be clear the magic drugs do work. They definitely work.Jonathan : 5:40 But if you don’t learn to eat, don’t learn how to kind of maintain that or sustain that, it’s not going to work long term unless you stay on the drug for the rest of your life. So, yes, they do work and some people can use them for a kickstart, but if you don’t learn how to eat properly while doing those, they’re just another diet. So the gimmicks, like I said, are unsustainable and they lead to failure, right? I mean they do Every diet. Ultimately, if you’re listening to this and if you know people that have been on a diet, they succeed, they lose weight and then they fail. So real time I’m sorry, real change takes time and effort. You know. There’s just no way around it. And, believe me, you know I’ve tried every fad diet under the sun, from Atkins to keto to paleo, to South Beach to Golo, to I mean every, every diet you can think of. I’ve been on and I’ve been successful, I’ve lost weight on those diets, but they all end the same way and that’s failure. So, in my opinion, the biggest mistake is looking for a quick fix and not taking personal responsibility for whatever you put in your mouth, all right.Jonathan : 6:49 So the third question is how important is mindfulness in your approach to weight loss? Well, obviously, you know, for me, mindfulness is huge. Being present, it’s what it’s about. Right, I was eating, shoveling food into my face without thinking, mean, you know, just eating non-stop, not thinking about it, and that is honestly the fast track to failure, the fast track to being fat.Jonathan : 7:11 Mindful eating means that you’re really paying attention to what you’re eating and how it makes you feel. And yeah, when you’re eating mindlessly, you know it feels good, I think you know. But. But mindful eating means that you’re really present, you know you’re, you’re thinking about what goes into your mouth and you’re savoring each bite. And I never really got into the savoring each bite thing, but I was making conscious choices rather than eating out of habit or emotion. Like I really thought every time I opened my mouth is this what I really want? Is this what I really need? Am I really hungry? Am I hungry or am I thirsty? I mean I really thought and as I really hungry, am I hungry or am I thirsty? I mean I really thought.Jonathan : 7:45 And, as I said in my last episode of the podcast, it’s not, it doesn’t take a lot of time, it’s there’s, they become natural. You know thoughts in your head like hey, you know what, I really don’t need this, and I think that helped me stop overeating and it really kind of encouraged a healthier relationship with food, like when I, if you put you know a quarter pound of something in front of me, I’d eat it. If you put three pounds in front of me, I’d eat that too. So you know it was totally mindless, and mindful eating just means thinking about what you put. It’s simple. I mean it’s hard actually, but once you start doing it it’s really easy and it’s certainly simple. You know what I mean.Jonathan : 8:23 You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know what you’re eating and to know good from bad. That’s a bunch of shit, you know. You don’t need someone to tell you oh no, don’t eat that. You can eat whatever the fuck you want. But what mindful eating does for you, it you know. You know what to eat and you know when to eat and you know how much to eat. I just chose to ignore it for most of my life. But when you’re eating mindfully, you’re really kind of in touch with what’s going in your mouth and you make those choices based on the fact that you know that eating four is definitely worse than eating one. So I think the most important part, you know, in mindful eating is being present. You have to be aware when you’re eating, and that’s hard to do initially, but after you do it, you know, I don’t know. Three days, four days, you start to think and when you see the progress, of course you know, you’re like whoa, hey, this shit really works.Jonathan : 9:16 The next question is can you share a simple, sustainable change that someone can start with? So the first thing I thought of is I lived in North Carolina for a while and I used to drink this stuff called sweet tea, which is basically sugar a lot of sugar and a little bit of tea. I mean, it’s truly it’s like liquid candy and it does nothing but add fat to your fat ass, to your waistline. So I would say like the first thing you could do is stop drinking that. You know whatever it is. You’re drinking soda or you know fake juices and all that shit that’s out there. Everything that’s called diet is bullshit. If you can stop drinking that shitty stuff and start drinking water, or even sparkling water, or even unsweetened tea or coffee, that’s going to save you so many calories and we all know that you need to burn more calories than you consume. That’s one way I’ll bet you cut. If you’re a soda drinker, I’ll bet you can cut 500 calories out of your diet in a day just by cutting out the soda and swapping out with water. So that’s an easy one that you can do without a lot of effort and very simple. But having said that, if you’re not a soda drinker or sugary drink drinker or whatever, I think the best thing you can do this you know the simple, sustainable changes.Jonathan : 10:32 Try to make five good food decisions every day or in the first couple of days. Really really be present when you eat and say do I really want this, do I really need this, or am I just eating it because I’m used to eating it? So definitely make five good, small, smart decisions every day for the next couple days and I think you’ll find that you actually get yourself on the road in spite of yourself. And, of course, be present. Don’t have any distractions when you’re eating. Try to really be there. You know what I mean. Like don’t watch TV. Don Be present and think about what you’re eating and I promise you that will be a great jumpstart to your weight loss journey.Jonathan : 11:15 All right, this next question I almost didn’t include, but I’m including it because it asked the question, so I’m going to answer it. The question is what role does exercise play in your philosophy? Well, you know that exercise played absolutely zero role in my philosophy. Okay, I was honestly, you know, and maybe this is an excuse, you know. Okay, I was honestly, I would, you know, and maybe this is an excuse, you know. As I say it, I’m thinking Jesus, I’m just making an excuse here.Jonathan : 11:40 But the reality was I was so fat I could barely walk. I mean, I could walk 100 feet and I’d be wiped out, I’d be tired. I mean, now that I think could have, I walked a few exercises, no-transcript, just some quiet time. Or if I’m walking with someone, it’s just sometime when I don’t answer my phone, I don’t do anything, I just kind of, you know I’m present. You know I’m present with the person I’m with or I’m present with myself. And this year now I’m averaging over 7,000 steps a day. So it’s a huge difference.Jonathan : 12:39 So I’m not saying exercise doesn’t work, it does. I mean, an exercise is definitely important, there’s no question about it. But what I am saying is if you’re so big that you can’t exercise. It’s okay, because the reality is what you eat is probably 80%, maybe 90% of the battle. I mean, for me it was 100% of the battle, right? I lost 135 pounds and didn’t exercise. You know so, obviously you know that the what goes in is probably more important than the amount of exercise. But I mean, whether you’re walking or dancing or swimming, riding your bike, whatever, whatever kind of gets you moving, that’s the best exercise if you can do it. And just for the record, I still hate the fucking gym, but now I’m finding ways to kind of get more active, all right.Jonathan : 13:27 Question six how do you stay motivated during the tough times? Well, I mean, I guess what I do is I focus on my goal, which was A, to be alive. That’s obviously that’s still a goal. But my longer term goal, or my you know more relevant goal now, is to be healthy. I want to be healthier every single day. As long as I’m a little bit healthier than I was yesterday, I feel like I’m progressing and I you know it is easy to get discouraged when you’re on a weight loss journey. I mean, no one knows it more than me, or maybe you do, but it’s easy to get discouraged, right, but that’s when you kind of really have to dig in deep and and really push through. And it’s definitely good to have someone who’s support to you and have a supportive group around you and help you celebrate those. You know, hey, you lost two pounds yesterday. That’s great. You know, stay the course.Jonathan : 14:18 As you know, I didn’t. I kept it quiet because I had done that and failed so many times. I was hedging my bet, you know. I mean, I really was. I was like, hey, I’m not going to let anybody know because I’m probably going to fail In the end. I’m probably going to fail, but the reality is you’re doing this for yourself, not for anybody else, so you don’t need to tell anybody or everybody.Jonathan : 14:34 And when you’re doing this method, the way I ate, which was basically eating whatever the fuck you want, whenever you want no one even has to know, right, because you can eat all those things that everybody else is eating. But instead of eating three slices of pizza, eat one slice. Or if everyone’s getting pizza, maybe you get some I don’t know grilled chicken, whatever, I mean, there’s no meal plan. But the bottom line is that you can definitely do this thing and you can definitely stay motivated. Look, I did it with atrial fibrillation, poor kidney function, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, uncontrolled gout and a laundry list of other things. So if I can do it, you know I guess I’m asking everybody what’s your excuse? I mean, you can do this too. This is not hard, and you just kind of have to again keep that long-term goal, which is not a number, don’t get fixated on a number. I want to weigh this, no, it’s. I want to be healthier every single day. I mean, to me that’s a great goal and is a goal that everybody certainly could use.Jonathan : 15:32 All right, the next question is what’s your take on cheat meals? Well, you know my take on cheat meals. I hate that term. I think that term sucks because you can’t cheat, because you’re allowed to eat whatever you want. In doing that, in not being able to cheat right because there is no cheating, it also says that you can’t fail right.Jonathan : 15:56 When you talk about a cheat meal, it basically implies that you’re doing something wrong, right, and I don’t believe that you can eat anything that’s wrong. You can eat things that may not be what a traditional weight coach or, you know, or nutritionist or whatever, says are quote unquote good foods. But if you just eat what you want to eat and focus on balance, that’s more powerful, that’s more sustainable. I mean, if you want to eat a burger, eat a fucking burger. Who cares, you know? I mean I would say, don’t make it an everyday thing, but you know there’s no such thing as a cheat meal. If you want to eat dessert, eat dessert. Just make the next choice a better one.Jonathan : 16:34 I mean, I went out with a buddy of mine the other night and we went out and he ordered three desserts, three delicious desserts. I had a spoonful of each one of them and that was enough, whereas before and, by the way, he didn’t like two of them. Prior to that, I definitely would have ate those two desserts and probably a little bit more. But you know what? I enjoyed the taste of the food and I felt no guilt and I just had a little bit. It was, you know, again, when I tasted that food. I mean, it was loaded with sugar. But for me it was about making a choice that aligned with my goals, which was, you know, to be healthier. It wasn’t about punishing myself and saying I can’t have that. No, I can have anything I want, anytime I want, because that’s what this is all about. I just have to have balance. So, going just to sum it up, the term cheat meal is fucking bullshit. It’s shit that’s made up by the diet industry. There’s no such thing as a cheat meal. There’s just meals that are better and meals that are not as good, but every meal is the right meal if that’s what you’re eating.Jonathan : 17:30 Next question is how can someone develop a positive mindset about their weight loss journey? Well, I think this is an important one, and I think it’s you know. I can sum it up in one sentence Focus on progress, not perfection. Okay, let me repeat that Focus on progress, not perfection. That is my big issue with traditional diets. I mean, you have a meal plan that’s structured that you have to follow, or you know you have a meal plan that’s structured that you have to follow, or you know you cut this out of your diet or that out of your diet, or eat this at this time or that time, and if you don’t do it, then you kind of you know you’re not perfect, you failed, you cheated, whatever the word is. I mean you pick the word, but no one can eat like that. Not for the long term, not sustainably, not for the rest of your life. So focus on your progress, not perfection.Jonathan : 18:14 It’s okay to make a choice that a nutritionist would say, well, you shouldn’t eat. That that’s okay. So celebrate, like those small wins right, and don’t beat yourself up if you eat something that you’ve been programmed to believe is bad. You know that’s not a setback. I mean, this whole thing is not about being perfect, which is why it was so easy for me. It’s just about being a little bit better than you were yesterday. I mean, I told you five minutes ago I ate three. You know, I tasted three desserts. I mean, any nutritionist would say, oh, you can’t. You know that’s so much sugar. Yeah, no, it wasn’t the best. A better choice would have been to eat none of it. But fuck that. I want to live, I want to have, you know, a happy life. I want to live a normal life. So, yeah, I’m going to eat some shit every now and then, and that’s fine, as long as you stay positive and keep your eye on the prize, which is basically to be healthier today than you were yesterday. Okay, I mean, it’s that simple. I mean you’re not going to be perfect. If you’re looking for perfection, you’re going to fail. So the most important thing in this you know kind of how to get in the right mindset is focus on your progress, not perfection, and forgive yourself.Jonathan : 19:30 If you eat something that the traditional diet industry says is bad, that’s okay. You got to feed your soul. And remember, you got yourself into this mess. You made yourself fat, overweight, obese, whatever it is you are. I mean, I take full responsibility for weighing 411 pounds. No one held me down and shoved food down my throat. I did it and when I got out of the hospital, I went home and I started doing it again until I had a wake-up call. So I got myself into the mess. You got yourself into this mess. So it’s on you to get yourself out, and I’m living, breathing, walking proof that you can do it. I mean it really is not complicated in any way. It’s simple because you can’t fail. You can make some bad choices. I mean, like I’ve said a hundred times, right, I don’t know anybody that hasn’t made some bad choices in their life. So remember, you got yourself into it and you can get yourself out of it by making simple choices.Jonathan : 20:23 The next question is what do you think about the diet industry as a whole. Well, if you’ve listened to me, you know what I think the diet is. The reason it’s a fucking joke, right? It’s all about making money and I believe it’s not about helping people. It’s a business and the business is built on failure. Sure, you’ll have some short-term success, but in the end, after you’re done doing that diet, you’re going to fail. I mean, it’s what the industry is about going to fail. I mean, it’s just, it’s what the industry is about. It’s there. It’s designed totally for temporary fixes that they know fail in the long run, because that’s how they keep getting your money. So that’s why I’m so into this, you know.Jonathan : 21:03 I think it’s a very realistic approach to being focused on, you know, for me, sustainable change. I mean I’m not doing any yo-yo dieting. I mean I’m not saying that my weight doesn’t fluctuate. It does, you know. I mean some days I weigh a couple pounds more, some days I weigh a couple pounds less. But I’m not going up 50 pounds and going down 50 pounds, and up 50 pounds and down 50 pounds. It’s consistent. And you know I built these healthy habits.Jonathan : 21:27 I mean all I can say is look at Oprah stepping down from Weight Watchers because she’s using one of the weight loss drugs. I mean, she was, you know, telling everybody Weight Watchers the greatest thing in the world, and then she switched to weight loss drugs. I promise you a few years from now, she’ll be off the weight loss drugs when she or although the truth is she probably has enough money to stay on them for the rest of her life. But if she gets off them, she’s going to find that she’s in the same exact place, which is an unsustainable weight loss journey. Okay, because that you know, every diet is built for short-term success and long-term failure. So, to sum it up, I think the diet industry is a bunch of fucking scumbags that stole a lot of my money and probably have stolen a lot of yours too.Jonathan : 22:13 Okay, next question is can you give us an example of a healthy snack you enjoy? Shit, I don’t know. I mean something that I like is I’ll have some Greek yogurt, you know, sugarless, you know. Or it says made without extra sugar or something. I think there’s sugar in all yogurt, but I mean, you know, the least sugar I’m going to have is some Greek yogurt with a handful of berries, or you know some kind of fruit in it. I mean, it’s actually really good. It’s satisfying and the truth is, you know, I didn’t know this when I started eating, but it’s packed with protein and it’s got a ton of healthy fats, it’s good for your gut health and it is filling. I mean, I actually really have learned to like Greek yogurt Other, but the Greek yogurt is an easy one because you can go and get it anywhere.Jonathan : 23:00 You don’t need any culinary skills which I completely lack and it’s not like some fucking tasteless diet food. You know Diet food is bad for you. Diet food tastes like shit, but you’re eating it because, hey, it’s diet, so you know it’s better than nothing. No, you can eat real food, like eat real vegetables and eat real fruit. I mean, I eat a lot of fruit. I put fruit in everything. I put fruit in my overnight oats, I put fruit in my Greek yogurt, I mean. So you know, real food. That’s my idea of a healthy snack, you know, and stuff that’s packed with protein, hopefully, because protein helps you stay full longer and also, as we learned in a previous podcast, that when you eat protein, it takes your body more work to digest it, so you actually burn more calories. Pretty cool benefit. So the short answer is Greek yogurt with some berries. I guess that’s the best I can do.Jonathan : 23:56 Okay, so this next one is one that I wasn’t going to answer Another one that I wasn’t going to answer because I don’t believe in it, but it says how do you handle setbacks in your weight loss journey? Well, I don’t think you can have a setback. I think you can make a small bad choice. You know, a small, not so smart choice, but it’s not a setback. But I mean, if you’re one of those people that you know that are striving for perfection, I’d tell you knock it the fuck off. Number are striving for perfection, I’d tell you knock it the fuck off. Number one, but number two, if you have what you consider a setback. I have had zero setbacks in the last 14 months, not one because I ate what I wanted to eat, and that’s not a setback.Jonathan : 24:30 But if you’re one of those people that feel like, if you eat a piece of cake, you have a setback, the only thing I can say is acknowledge it, learn from it and then move the fuck on. You know on. You know what I mean. Don’t let, like a bad day or a bad choice turn into a bad week, because that’s easy to do you know? We learned about the what the hell factor from Debbie Rosen. She told us you know that. You know you eat bread. So you go ah, what the hell? I blew the diet. So fuck it, I’m gonna eat and I’ll start again tomorrow, I’ll start next week or I’ll start after the vacation.Jonathan : 24:56 No, if you make a small bad choice, big fucking deal. Just make the next one a better one. So there are. There’s no in my mind. There’s no such thing as a setback. So, no matter what you do, keep pushing forward, no matter what. And trust me, when I was dieting on traditional diets, I had a shitload of setbacks. Some of them I was able to power through, but most of them, as you know, evidenced by my failure on every fucking diet. In the end, most of them, I wasn’t, it was a setback and it was a setback that ended it for me. So again, please remember you cannot have a setback when you eat the way I’m suggesting you eat and you can’t have a failure. You can have slower progress, you can have a bad choice, but you can’t fail and you can’t have a setback. So keep that at the top of your mind and you know. Again, shit happens, but it doesn’t define you.Jonathan : 25:46 Okay, and the last question of the day what’s the best piece of advice you can give to someone just starting on their weight loss journey? Well, I guess the best piece of advice I can have is start out small, you know. Make a couple small smart choices. Doesn’t have to be anything big. You know, you’re not going to overhaul your life overnight. I mean, it took you a long time to get fat. It took me, you know, 59 years to get to my highest weight. So, start out with some small smart choices and then be consistent over time, and over time might mean for two days, get it done for two days, and then do the third day and the fifth day, and the ninth day, and the second month and the fourth month, and you’ll be amazed at what happens. So you know, kind of make one small change at a time and build from there.Jonathan : 26:30 I mean one thing that I would definitely tell everybody, which really helped me a lot, was drink more water. Right, the more water you drink, I know that water kind of gets your metabolism going and it helps you digest and you’re definitely more full when you drink water, and there’s some crazy statistics that most of us are walking around dehydrated anyway. So drink more water, you know, add some veggies. I don’t know, just simple stuff. I mean the net. Net here is it took me, you know, a year to lose 130 pounds. You know now I’m down 135 that those five pounds took me another two months to lose.Jonathan : 27:04 But you know not to be, not to use a cliche but the reality is this is a marathon, not a sprint, right? It took you your whole life to get to where you are, so it’s not going to. You’re not going to fix it overnight. You know you’re not going to. You know, all of a sudden, you’re not going to. You know, all of a sudden, you’re not going to wake up tomorrow morning and be, you know, 30 pounds lighter. It doesn’t work that way. But if you’re a pound lighter, or two pounds, or three pounds, that’s pretty exciting.Jonathan : 27:26 So you got to remain patient and stay committed and don’t think about. You know, if you made a bad choice, just make the next one a better choice. Because remember and people get pissed when I say this but you’re fat because you choose to be fat and you chose to be fat. And again, maybe it wasn’t conscious, maybe it was unconscious, but you’re fat as a result of the choices you made, right, the things that you ate, the way that you move, the things that you do. That’s what makes you fat. But the great news is now, from here on out, you can choose to be healthy. It’s that simple, it really is. It’s a mindset, it’s a power of you know convincing yourself and you shouldn’t have to convince yourself because you probably want to lose weight pretty badly but it’s, you know, it’s thinking I’m going to be healthier from this point forward. So that’s all the questions.Jonathan : 28:21 That was pretty fucking cool. Like I got interviewed by AI. You know, I mean that, like I don’t know, I’m kind of like I think that’s really fucking cool. So I really I enjoyed that. Actually, I really did. I’m not sure how else I could use AI On this podcast, but I’m going to try to figure it out Because that was really really cool and I hope I shared a lot of information.Jonathan : 28:45 That, um, that’s useful to you because you know, I I want to spread this message. You can do this thing, you really can. I promise you. I am certainly not any any superhuman. I mean, I’m just a guy that I honestly figured out how to do it. You know, I just figured out that. You know it’s small, smart choices. Not that that’s rocket science, because I don’t think I’m very. I don’t think anything here is revolutionary. I just think we get so bombarded with messages of how to do things that we forget that it’s really.Jonathan : 29:13 The power is in your hands. The power was in my hand for 59 years until I decided to do it. And the power is in your hands. I promise you you can do this. You know it’s simple to do. It’s simple choices and you can do this. And you know if, if you don’t believe in you or your friends don’t believe in you, your kids don’t believe in you, your parents don’t believe in you, I do. I believe in you. I know you can do this. You know, I’m 100% sure of it. You can’t fail doing it this way. So that’s the end of the podcast. If you want to learn more about my journey and all that, this is the shameless self-promotion section where I say buy my book on Amazon. I have it in paperback and ebook. Definitely. Tell your friends to listen to my podcast. It’s free, it doesn’t cost a dime. And you know, hopefully I’m giving out some good information here. And the last bit of advice I’m going to give you is until next time, shut up and choose. Podcast Shut Up And Choose weight loss healthy lifestyleJonathan ResslerShut Up And Chooseweight Loss