Winning! How To Navigate The Restaurant Minefield Jonathan Ressler, March 20, 2024March 20, 2024 For those of us on a weight loss journey, dining out can be a minefield, but is does not have to be. Dining out can be a culinary adventure full of small victories which will propel. Not derail you. Fear not, my fellow fatties and getting wanna-be fit friends. With a playful attitude and a few savvy strategies up your sleeve, you can kick the crap out of any restaurant menu and stack up the victories. Let’s dive into the delightful world of dining out while making smart choices for your waistline! Ah, the thrill of the hunt! When you’re dining out, channel your inner food detective and scour the menu for healthier options. Look for dishes that are grilled, baked, or steamed rather than fried, and don’t be afraid to ask your server for recommendations. Remember, the menu is your playground – explore it with gusto! Make the right choices and that will lead to a ton of food victories. Who says you can’t have your cake and eat it too? I did and do…whenever I chose. When ordering, don’t be afraid to play the substitution game to make your meal healthier. Swap out fries for a side salad, opt for grilled chicken instead of fried, and ask for dressings and sauces on the side. With a little creativity, you can transform any dish into a nutritious delight! It is never about eating things you don’t like and deprivation. It is about eating things you DO like with small changes and of course, not scraping the porcelain off the plate. Portion control is one simple key when dining out, but that doesn’t mean you have to leave the restaurant feeling unsatisfied. Strike a balance by enjoying smaller portions of your favorite dishes and filling up on nutrient-rich options like veggies and lean proteins. And hey, if you want to indulge in that decadent dessert, go for it – just be mindful of portion sizes and share with a friend! When it comes to eating I used to hate to share, but you know what? It is pretty easy and in the end you are more satisfied. Each time you make a smart choice or a smaller portion…you win! Watch out for sneaky ingredients lurking on the menu – those seemingly innocent dishes that are secretly loaded with hidden calories and fat. While they might sound good at that very moment, beware of dishes labeled “creamy,” “crispy,” or “loaded.” You know damn well those dished are loaded with crap you can live without and still be completely satisfied. Instead, opt for dishes that are light on sauces and dressings, and don’t be afraid to ask your server about ingredients and preparation methods. On my journey, I never deprived myself of anything. Life’s too short to deprive yourself of the occasional indulgence, right? Don’t be afraid to treat yourself to your favorite dishes – in moderation, of course. Whether it’s a juicy burger, a cheesy pizza, or a decadent dessert, enjoy it guilt-free and savor every delicious bite. Just remember to balance indulgence with healthier choices throughout the rest of the meal. If you drive yourself of what you really want, sooner or later you are going to come back and inhale them with a vengance. If you make smart choices and not make anything off limits, you will find you will have many small victories which add up to a big win. Dining out doesn’t have to derail your weight loss journey – in fact, it can be a fun and delicious way to stay on track! You already know what to eat, so make smart choices. With a playful attitude and a few savvy strategies, you can navigate any restaurant menu with confidence and make smart choices for your waistline. So go ahead, indulge your inner foodie and dine out delightfully – your taste buds and your waistline will thank you! weight loss BocaRatonJonathan ResslerJonathan Ressler Boca Ratonrestaurantweight Loss